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Restoration Agriculture Real Life Case Studies - $249: It is easy to teach something that I have done for 30+ years, it's my life! But... You will be wondering how does this apply to me??? Well, get access to 10+ hours more of real life case studies of Restoration Agriculture examples. This has never been sold or even released to the public before.

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GET THE instant access to the forest ecology college level course FOR JUST $97!! That is 30+ hours of information!
Why should I care about ecology? - Restoration agriculture system is designed to mimic nature. Nature operates and produces a yield with zero $ cost and zero inputs… By learning how nature works, we can approach the low cost efficiency of nature with our agricultural systems.

How does this work? - Look at the ditch on the side of the road. It doesn’t matter where you live. Nobody planted it, nobody added compost, mulch, fish guts or NPK in order to get it to survive and THRIVE! Natural systems like that thrive SO WELL that highway departments nationwide spend ZILLIONS! of dollars every year mowing it, chipping it, spraying it with herbicide and it KEEPS COMING BACK! In most roadside ditches there are plants that naturally produce agricultural yields, (including mushrooms!) and they keep coming back year after year… THAT is sustainable!

What results are other people having? - Around the WORLD! Land managers are producing food, fuel, medicines, and building materials sustainably with practically NO EFFORT! with few to ZERO INPUTS!   

How fast can I expect results? - Restoration Agriculture ecosystems begin producing in as little as a few weeks. As the season and as the years go by more and more is produced as the ecosystem matures.  

I already did something similar. Will this work for me? - Well…. You may have planted an “orchard” or a “food forest”, but unless you are way ahead of the curve, you likely didn’t plant an ecosystem modeled after your regionally adapted plant community types. If you planted an “orchard” you know how much work is involved and how many inputs are needed. In this course you will learn how natural systems function, and suddenly nature will work for YOU! 

How long does it take to get the product? - You are one click away….  

Why should I choose this course over other solutions out there? - There are courses available all over the internet these days and all that they can teach you is how to keep thighs alive that want to die and how to kill things that want to live. This course will help you turn conventional agriculture ON ITS HEAD! and how to work WITH nature rather than fight against it.
"I found it easy to read but with sufficient depth that it gave a good view of permaculture and how he applies it in practice."
STEFAN BOARTITE  |   Bought & Reviewed on Amazon
"I am very thankful for down to earth approaches like these"
FRANK FREMEREY  |   Bought & Reviewed on Amazon


 I have to admit that until recently I thought that permaculture was something that frustrated city people did under the pretense of feeding themselves from a few trees and bushes. But I came across it on a farm scale while exploring better things to plant in chicken runs. And then I watched a few videos by Mark Shepard! He's realistic, very holistic in his ideas and decision making, and this book is beautifully written to persuade readers to regenerate soils and habitat by planting perennials that can produce food or fibre, or nurture the soil. Maybe humans can survive the damage that has been done to the earth, and live well with eachother. With leaders like Mark and Allan Savory, I think we can. 



 "I have to admit that until recently I thought that permaculture was something that frustrated city people did under the pretense of feeding themselves from a few trees and bushes. But I came across it on a farm scale while exploring better things to plant in chicken runs. And then I watched a few videos by Mark Shepard! He's realistic, very holistic in his ideas and decision making, and this book is beautifully written to persuade readers to regenerate soils and habitat by planting perennials that can produce food or fibre, or nurture the soil. Maybe humans can survive the damage that has been done to the earth, and live well with eachother. With leaders like Mark and Allan Savory, I think we can." 

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